No code automation

Create powerful workflows in minutes with no coding

Automate everything

When something happens…

Choose exactly what starts your automations. Maybe it’s a page visit, a course completion, a new form entry, even incoming webhook data from another site.

Make other things happen!

Add users to a membership level, change their role, add data to Google Sheets or more. You decide! You can even delay actions and send data to other apps.

Let AI do the work

Automations run automatically, freeing up your time and letting you build no-code integrations for everything!

AI Built for Novices

Any combination of triggers

A potential guest enters the dates of their desired stay. Our vacation rental booking engine instantly checks availability and calculates the final price.

Any combination of actions

The guest enters their credit card details securely and submits the booking.

Master in 5 minutes

Includes a simple, powerful editor that anyone can learn to use in 5 minutes

70+ Integrations – 400+ Triggers


Google Sheets




+65 more


Translation & GDPR

Is Automator translation friendly?
Absolutely! It was created with translation in mind and tested with a variety of translation plugins. We will support any translation issues you run into.


How can I request an integration for a plugin?
The best thing you can do is reach out to the creator of the software that you want an integration for. Request them to get in touch with our Tech Team. We will take it up from there. We will update you soon thereafter.