Click here to get started and register yourself as a Partner (Host). Its as easy as that.
It’s free and easy to create a listing on iSaapa.com. Describe your space, experience, tour or vehicle with photos and details..
Our team scrutinizes the guest’s profile as per the requirements set by you. You may choose to do it yourself on a one-on-one basis too.
Get to know guests before arrival by messaging them on our platform.
iSaapa’s secure payment system means you never have to deal with money directly. Guests are charged before arrival, and you are paid in full automatically by direct deposit (NEFT/RTGS) depending on your status and ranking as follows:
iSaapa’s platform provides you two other ways of making your life better. They are:
Most Hosts that apply to sell through iSaapa are rejected. Our objective is to maintain a high quality inventory.This has made iSaapa as a trust worthy platform for high quality vacation experience.
Our Guests trust us for having a good time on their vacation.
You’re in full control of your availability, prices, rules and how you interact with guests. You can set check-in times and handle the process however you like. You can charge for various additional services like cleaning service, chef service, tours, etc.
You also have the power to disallow or choose various third party services that we add to your vacation rental to enhance the vacationer’s experience.
We provide tools, hospitality tips, support and an online community of experienced hosts for questions and sharing ideas for success.
Over and above our stellar Customer Care, we provide powerful SAAS tools to streamline all your processes and make your business more profitable.
Yes. While iSaapa.com does not work exclusively with high quality properties, experiences & tours, we do focus on upper-end vacation experiences in desirable locations.
Also, we have a standard 240 point ranking system. We will look at your offerrig and let you know if we feel it will be a good fit for our program.
Login to iSaapa.com and thereafter go to My Account/PartnerDashboard. On the dashboard you have full control over everything. From the dashboard you can access various types of real time reports too.
If you just want a monthly report or are not tech savvy, do not worry, You will get a monthly statement from us that details how much rental revenue you earned, how much tax we collected on your behalf, and any charges that you may have incurred during the month. Your Account Manager or Property Inspector will be happy to guide you through your owner statement.
iSaapa’s secure payment system means you never have to deal with money directly. Guests are charged before arrival, and you are paid in full automatically by direct deposit (NEFT/RTGS) depending on your status and ranking as follows:
You are in control of your pricing. You can set separate rates that vary based on day of the week and time of the year. For example – mid-week days will be set at one price and weekends at another; holidays and peak periods will likely be set higher and off-season prices are usually set a bit lower. You have the option to set your floor rate – which we will never price your home lower than.
Verified hosts are given in-depth insights on their competitive pricing yo aid them in pricing competitively. We monitor the market availability calendars on other vacation sites, we use powerful third party pricing & analytics tools, we receive pricing reporting from RateGain and benchmark against historical numbers and comparable homes.